Balance between Personal and Professional Life

What is Life Balance Coaching Between Personal and Professional Life?

In short, life balance coaching is about the balance between professional and personal life being the state of balance where a person prioritizes the demands of his career but also the demands of his personal life, balancing these two different aspects of his daily life. Some of the common reasons that lead to a poor work-life balance are increased working hours and raising children at home. A good work-life balance has many positive effects, such as less stress, lower risk of exhaustion and a greater sense of well-being.

When creating a flexible program that suits you, think of the best way to achieve this coveted way of balancing work and personal life. The balance between work and personal life is less the equal distribution of hours in your day and more the flexibility of adapting your activities to your personal needs.

Ισορροπία στην Προσωπική και Επαγγελματική ζωή - AKV Coaching

For Whom is the Balance between Personal and Professional Life service for

The balance between personal and professional life service is addressed to all people who seek the “balance” between their professional obligations and their family / personal obligations. Since the balance between personal and professional life is created by you yourself it is necessary to understand the reasons why it is important for your own life. This is because it is difficult to create something that you do not fully understand. In addition, creating a balance between work and personal life involves making difficult and demanding decisions. As long as you continue to work, you will continue to dangle between the demands of your career and your personal life. But by setting boundaries and taking care of yourself, you can achieve immediate results by properly allocating your time to things that really fill you with excitement and satisfaction.

Learn more about Balance in Personal and Professional Life


  • Evaluate your work into important and urgent parts.
  • Complete your tasks in a short time.
  • Use effective time saving techniques.
  • Delegate tasks to third parties.
  • Full focus on your tasks during your work.
  • Dedicating quality time to yourself and your family.
  • Set clear boundaries.
  • Increased productivity.


  • Less internal stress.
  • Better teamwork and communication.
  • Increased morale.
  • Increased levels of commitment and engagement.
  • Improve your creative thinking.
  • Improve your interpersonal relationships.
  • Better physical and mental health.

Why trust Mrs. Kontaratou to help you balance your Personal and Professional life

Today, the pressure for high performance at work is paramount and we can spend much of our lives trying to achieve all those goals we have set for our professional goals we have set for our development, while ignoring everything that happens outside of our workplace. In the absence of work-life balance, exhaustion, and stress can occur, so it is important to take time to relax and enjoy the other interesting aspects of our lives.

Some people can immediately identify the problem and manage it successfully. Others, however, may need some guidance. Generally, we turn to our friends or family for support and coping advice, but, sometimes, professional support is what brings real results.

Talking to a personal coach such as Ms. Kontaratou of AKV Coaching can be a great way to help you get back on track for balance and fullness. While we all have to compromise, it is possible to organize our lives in a productive way so that we can enjoy our time outside of work while maintaining success in the workplace.

To take full advantage of the support of a personal coach, you must have a strong desire for internal change. It takes courage and willingness to recognize a problem and ask for help. Guidance can help you understand your feelings, identify your goals, and support you in taking steps to change your life quickly and effectively.


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Anna Kontaratou
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